What Is a Bone Density Scan?
DEXA, which stands for “duel-energy X-ray absorptiometry,” measures the density and mineral content in bone, most often in the hip and lower spine. It is the most accurate method of determining bone density and potential problems related to bone loss.
When Is It Used?
DEXA is most often used to treat and manage osteoporosis. This condition is responsible for thousands of injuries that require long-term care confinement for elderly patients. Osteoporosis most often affects post-menopausal women, but it can also affect elderly men. It is important for everyone with risk factors to have a DEXA scan. These risk factors include post-menopausal women, patients who smoke, and patients using certain medications such as Predsinone.
What Happens During the Procedure?
The 30-minute procedure is very simple. Depending on whether your hip, spine, or wrist is being scanned, you will either lie on a table or sit in a chair. You may be asked to lie with your legs straight or with your legs resting on a raised platform to elevate them slightly.
What Are the Benefits and Risks?
A DEXA scan is painless and non-invasive with very little exposure to radiation-less than one-tenth of what is used in a chest X-ray.
Our DEXA scanning equipment uses the latest software for the most accurate diagnosis. This enhanced form of X-ray is more accurate than a regular X-ray and provides the only way to accurately diagnose and monitor a patient with significant bone loss. This test is also a valuable tool for diagnosing osteoporosis, which often has no symptoms until you suffer a fracture. A DEXA scan can diagnose the disease at its earliest, which means you can begin receiving earlier treatment for better protection.